Calvary Robotics Blog

Executing Workforce Skills Development and Job Skills Training

Written by Dan White | 6/3/24 3:10 PM
Empowering the Workforce: Insights from Aaron Prather on Automation and Skill Development


Embracing Automation and Overcoming Misconceptions

A common misconception is the belief that technology and automation eliminate jobs. Contrary to this, automation replaces tasks, not entire jobs. By automating repetitive and hazardous tasks, workers can focus on more meaningful and safer activities. This shift enhances productivity and job satisfaction, countering the outdated notion that "technology kills jobs."

Automation is often misunderstood as a job killer, but it is more about task automation. In many industries, automation handles the "3Ds" — tasks that are dull, dirty, or dangerous. This not only ensures better safety and efficiency but also frees up human workers to take on more complex, rewarding tasks. For instance, in warehouses, robots might handle the monotonous task of sorting parcels, allowing employees to engage in problem-solving or customer service roles. Shifting the narrative towards how automation can enhance human work rather than replace it is crucial.

Transferable Skills for the Modern Workforce

In the face of rapid technological advancement, certain skills become invaluable. Teamwork and collaboration are crucial for adapting to new roles and projects. With extensive experience at FedEx, Aaron highlighted the need for continuous learning and adaptability, as employees often transition through various roles throughout their careers.

"you gotta really be a team player, you gotta be able to collaborate with other folks"

The modern workforce must be versatile. This is illustrated with Aaron's own career trajectory at FedEx, where he moved through various positions from truck unloading to senior advisory roles. Aaron emphasizes, "I've always had to be an ongoing learner". This journey underscores the importance of being a lifelong learner. Skills such as effective communication, teamwork, and adaptability are essential. For instance, in technology-driven environments, workers must collaborate with diverse teams, often combining skills in logistics, IT, and customer service. These transferable skills ensure that employees can pivot and thrive despite rapid changes in their job roles and industry requirements.

Soft Skills and Industrial Safety

Soft skills, such as problem-solving and teamwork, are increasingly vital in modern workplaces. These skills are not only transferable but also essential for maintaining safety in environments with advanced machinery and automation. An example from the E Kentucky Advanced Manufacturing Institute illustrates how former coal miners successfully transitioned to roles as robot technicians, applying their deep understanding of industrial safety to new contexts.

In industries with advanced automation, understanding and adhering to safety protocols is paramount. Insights from the E Kentucky Advanced Manufacturing Institute show how former coal miners transitioned into roles as robotics technicians. Their deep-rooted knowledge of industrial safety from mining was directly applicable to managing robotic systems. This demonstrates that while technical skills are crucial, soft skills like awareness, adaptability, and safety consciousness play a critical role in various industrial settings. Workers with a strong foundation in safety can transfer these principles to new technologies and environments, ensuring a safer workplace overall.

Addressing the Labor Shortage with Automation

The labor market is experiencing a significant shift as baby boomers retire and fewer younger workers enter the workforce. This demographic change underscores the need for automation. Countries like Germany and Japan have already embraced automation extensively, driven by necessity and cultural factors. The U.S. must follow suit to remain competitive, leveraging automation to fill labor gaps and improve efficiency.

As the baby boomer generation retires, a substantial labor gap is emerging. The U.S. has historically relied on a large labor pool, but this is no longer viable. Automation is becoming essential to bridge this gap. Countries such as Germany and Japan have already integrated automation extensively, maintaining productivity despite smaller workforces. In the U.S., adopting similar strategies is crucial. Automation can take over repetitive tasks, allowing the remaining workforce to focus on areas requiring human intelligence and creativity. This shift not only addresses the labor shortage but also enhances overall productivity and efficiency.

Reviving Apprenticeship Programs

One critical area that needs attention is the revival of apprenticeship and vocational training programs. Pushing all students toward college degrees has eroded vocational pathways. To build a robust workforce, collaboration between government, education, and industry is essential. By reinvigorating apprenticeship programs, the U.S. can ensure a steady pipeline of skilled workers ready to meet the demands of modern industries.

The decline of vocational training has been a disservice to many potential workers. Historically, strong apprenticeship programs provided hands-on training and a direct pathway into skilled trades. Today, there is a renewed need for these programs to prepare a workforce adept in both traditional skills and modern technologies. Germany’s dual education system, which integrates apprenticeships with academic education, serves as a model. By fostering partnerships between schools, community colleges, and industries, the U.S. can develop robust apprenticeship programs. This approach not only provides practical skills but also ensures a continuous flow of qualified workers into essential sectors.

"We've seen vocational programs just go by the wayside in our public school systems, and even at the community college level..."

"...and that now has had a ripple effect"

Future Skills and Continuous Learning

Looking ahead, skills related to technology and problem-solving will be paramount. Developing the ability to think several steps ahead, akin to playing chess, is crucial for adapting to technological changes and ensuring smooth integration of new tools and processes. Continuous learning and flexibility are key, as workers must be prepared to evolve alongside technological advancements.

The future workforce will need to master both technical and strategic skills. This is likened to playing chess, where anticipating several moves ahead is crucial. In a rapidly changing technological landscape, workers must understand not only how to use new tools but also how to foresee and manage their impacts. Continuous learning is essential; employees should be encouraged to regularly update their skills and knowledge. For example, learning basic coding, understanding data analytics, or staying updated with the latest advancements in automation can significantly enhance a worker's adaptability and value.

The future of workforce skills lies in embracing automation, fostering collaboration, and promoting continuous learning. By addressing misconceptions, reviving vocational training, and focusing on both hard and soft skills, we can prepare for a dynamic and automated future. These insights provide a roadmap for individuals and organizations striving to thrive in this new era.

Watch the full episode with Aaron Prather on CalTV.