Calvary Robotics Blog

Breaking Ground: How Invisible AI is Revolutionizing Manufacturing

Written by Josh Gravelle | 5/2/24 3:00 PM
Ask the Experts with Invisible AI's Eric Danziger


Eric Danziger and Invisible AI: Shaping the Future of Industrial Automation 

In the fast-evolving world of industrial automation, the union of technologies and practical applications is paving the way for revolutionary transformations. At the forefront of this transformation is Eric Danziger, co-founder, and CEO of Invisible AI, whose background from the US Army to the space of robotics and computer vision uniquely positions him to drive innovation in this sector. 

From Military Service to Technological Innovation 

Eric Danziger’s journey into the world of technology began with the rigorous discipline and structured problem-solving skills he developed in the US Army. His transition to the technological sector was motivated by his fascination with robotics' potential to solve practical problems. "Robotics is not just about tackling theoretical issues; it’s about creating real-world impact," Eric states, reflecting on his motivations for studying computer vision at Carnegie Mellon University.

The Leap from Autonomous Driving to Industrial Automation 

Eric's initial foray into technology was in the realm of autonomous driving, where he honed his skills in computer vision. However, recognizing the broader applications of these technologies, he founded Invisible AI with the goal of adapting autonomous driving innovations to industrial automation. "We often overestimate the short-term effects of new technologies while underestimating their long-term potential," Eric observed, emphasizing the need for a strategic approach to technological integration.

Invisible AI: Pioneering Computer Vision in Manufacturing

At Invisible AI, Eric Danziger and his team are spearheading the integration of computer vision technologies into the manufacturing sector, an area historically characterized by manual processes and a scarcity of actionable data. By introducing advanced computer vision systems, they are transforming manufacturing environments, particularly focusing on manual assembly lines which have long relied on less precise, labor-intensive methods.

The goal behind Invisible AI’s technology is to be a new stream of information, a place to get operational details inside a manufacturing facility, Danziger said. "Our first products are around manual assembly. This has been an area traditionally with little digital information. Any time you want to understand something in manual assembly, you literally have to go walk and look and see." Invisible AI provides visibility to those areas where it all came down to a physical person checking. 

Invisible AI's approach involves overlaying sophisticated computer vision technology onto traditional manufacturing processes. This not only elevates operational efficiency but also introduces a new depth of analytical insight into everyday operations. "Our goal is to layer cutting-edge technology over traditional processes to dramatically enhance efficiency and insight," says Eric. This strategy allows for real-time monitoring and analysis, enabling manufacturers to pinpoint inefficiencies and optimize production workflows without disrupting existing operations.

Enhancing Data Utilization in Industrial Settings 

One of the revolutionary aspects of Invisible AI's technology is its ability to generate and utilize data in environments that were previously data-poor. By equipping manual assembly lines with smart cameras and AI-driven analytical tools, the technology captures detailed visual data about the manufacturing processes. This data is then processed to extract valuable insights, helping manufacturers understand intricate production dynamics that were previously opaque. Creating solutions for these hard-to-solve areas in manufacturing is part of the DNA of Invisible AI. "We made a decision early on as a company that we were going to tackle some of the harder problems that no one else was really looking at," Danziger said. "Some of that is around moving assembly lines. These traditionally have been hard from a computer vision perspective because, as you can imagine, things happen at different periods while things are moving. People are getting in and out of vehicles; there's a lot of complexity."

Invisible AI’s systems can identify bottlenecks in real-time, track the flow of materials, and monitor the efficiency of each manual task. "By converting what we see into actionable data, we open up a new realm of possibilities for process improvement and quality assurance," Eric elaborates. This enhanced data utilization not only leads to better decision-making but also fosters a more proactive approach to maintenance and workflow management.

Overcoming Implementation Challenges 

The innovations Danziger’s company is building are all three-dimensional representations of the physical manufacturing environments. They then use computer vision to pull out the relevant information. And with every project, learnings transform into future innovations to improve technology. Danziger remarks, “Robotics and computer vision in a lot of ways is still in its infancy.”

In manual assembly, where precision and repeatability are key, the introduction of computer vision can significantly reduce errors and increase output consistency. Invisible AI's technology allows for the continuous observation of assembly processes, enabling immediate corrections and adjustments. This constant feedback loop ensures that any deviations from the desired assembly standards are quickly addressed, reducing waste, and improving product quality.

Implementing advanced technologies in industrial environments is not without its challenges, particularly around data management and system integration. Invisible AI’s solution is to process data locally on devices within the facility, which minimizes bandwidth requirements and enhances data security. "The biggest hurdles often aren’t the technologies themselves but the logistics of deploying them at scale," notes Eric, highlighting the practical challenges they navigate to deliver their solutions effectively.

Future Directions and Proactive Customer Engagement 

By integrating computer vision into these traditional sectors, Invisible AI is not merely upgrading old systems but is fundamentally changing the way manufacturing works. Eric and his team are committed to pushing the boundaries of what can be achieved in industrial automation. Their work demonstrates a powerful example of how innovative technologies can be adapted to meet the specific needs of industries that are vital to the global economy yet often overlooked in the tech revolution.

This pioneering effort by Invisible AI stands as a beacon for other tech leaders and manufacturers, highlighting the potential for significant gains in efficiency, quality, and overall operational intelligence through the adoption of advanced technologies like computer vision.

Looking forward, Eric is focused on addressing the complexities of dynamic environments like moving assembly lines. These settings present unique challenges for computer vision due to their variable and unpredictable nature. By working closely with customers from the outset, Invisible AI ensures that their solutions are precisely aligned with specific operational needs. "Direct engagement with our customers allows us to tailor our solutions effectively, ensuring they address the real challenges faced in industrial environments," says Eric.

Guidance for Potential Clients 

Eric advises potential clients to clearly identify the operational challenges they hope to address with AI and automation technologies. "Start where you feel the pain most acutely," he suggests, indicating that the most effective technological implementations often stem from a direct need for improvement in specific areas. His technology aims to amplify the efforts of engineers and operators, making their tasks more manageable and their operations more efficient.

Looking to the Future

Eric's broader vision includes not just refining current applications but also exploring new collaborations and learning from other sectors within the automation industry. "Understanding what other players in the market are interested in helps us refine our focus and innovate in ways that truly meet industry needs," he concludes.

As Eric Danziger continues to push the boundaries of what's possible in industrial automation with Invisible AI, his approach serves as a blueprint for integrating advanced technology with practical applications to solve real-world problems.